Suzanne Cox

How to Teach a Class

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Promoting the class is HUGE. This determines who will be there to talk to so don't skip this piece. See our How to Invite resource and Zoom in Related Resources for more info.


  1. Where should I have my class?

    • Anywhere that makes it easy for people!
    • Coffee shops or restaurants
    • Your home
    • Rec areas or neighborhood community centers
    • Sometimes libraries, chiropractor's offices, yoga studios, boutiques, etc. will allow you to teach in their space in order to attract people to their businesses.
    • Ask a customer who loves their products or a Brand Partner if they want to host a class and you bring the class to them in their space.
  2. Where should people be?

    • Centered around you where they can see and hear.
    • As comfortable as possible.
    • Ask your hostess ahead of time where she wants people to sit.
    • Don't stand up at the front with a small group. Gather everyone in a circle and ask for lots of interaction when you have fewer people attend!
  3. Have attendees post

    • Have them take a quick picture of something in the class and post it, tagging you and saying what they are excited to learn at today's class.
    • Tell them that the person with the most likes and comments by the end of the class will win a Thieves cleaner bottle or other prize.
    • After the class, go engage with their friends and family who comment on their post and you potentially have a whole group of friends ready for this new customer to refer to you or to enroll themselves!
    • Provide value and receive free advertising!
  4. Introductions

    • Have people in the circle or group share their names and what they want to learn about.
    • Take notes and use their names as you share. “Mary - red shirt, sleep”
    • Make sure you make points of sharing about some of the things they're wanting to hear.
  5. What to share

    • Your class script if you want one. We are creating more in the app each month.
    • Your vision for health - be as personal as possible.
    • Your confidence - you don't have to be able to perfectly explain everything but if you feel confident in our products and business, that will show and build that same feeling in others.
    • Your experiences - tell stories, don't simply read facts.
    • Your complete assurance that they want and need these oils and that you are positive they will get started as soon as possible!
    • Keep it simple!
  6. What to bring

    • Your oils - getting their hands on them is important!
    • Your resources - let them see that you look in books or the Life Steps App for answers. That teaches them where to go and how to take ownership.
    • Your handouts - they need to leave with something in their hands. We provide these with each class resource.
    • Premium Starter Bundles, Thieves Home Loyalty Bundles - people love having something to go home with. They sign up at the class and have their new kit shipped to you, then they go home with yours. I recommend that each builder have 2-3 flip kits on hand for classes. I never take a kit home with me.
    • A sheet for passing that allows them to sign up to host future classes and to give you their email addresses for communication about future gatherings. At the top write Order/Loyalty/Class/Business (add scan if you want to) and have them sign up for which they want to do or learn more about!
  7. What to consider

    • Power points are wonderful and really helpful for staying on task but not necessary. If they stress you out, don't use them. If they help you, we've provided resources for you to use.
    • Every group is different. Look around you. Ask questions about who will be there and what they are seeking. Search out the vibe of each class. Speak to the age group and interests.
    • Do be bold. Don't be argumentative and abrasive. People are new to this, they don't need to be whacked over the head with your information.
    • Start on time and end on time. Be respectful of people's schedules.
  8. When you close

    • Ask them what they liked about what they heard and what interested them most. Let them sell themselves as they restate the points that caught their attention.
    • Assume the sale. Of course they want a bundle! Why wouldn't they?
    • Talk about the incredible community and resources that set you apart as a mentor on their health journey.
  9. Pass the Sign Up List attached to this resource

    • Hand the list to the most engaged person during the class.
    • Have them pass it through the group.
    • Simply ask how they would like to get started today as you pass the list. Don't oversell or keep talking.
    • Have them open their phones and purchase right then while you're there to help.
    • Once they have ordered, have them log out and log back in so you can see that they know how to order.
    • Have them check address and info and create a pin so they can get help through Member Services.
  10. What to avoid

    • Hype - people know when you're overdoing the excitement.
    • Insincerity - people trust genuine care for them.
    • Fear - if you are constantly looking concerned or expressing disclaimers and worries about the oils, there is no way you can lead or draw others.
    • Over Communicating - this is one class. People came for a drink of water, not to be drowned by a fire hydrant of information. We all have our passions, but this is not the time to force those on poor prospects. Maybe it's emotional clearing, diet changes, replacing medications - while they are all wonderful pieces of health, this is a time to introduce a concept, not explain it in its entirety.
  11. What to enjoy

    • Diversity - we are all different so your class should look like you!
    • Experience - if current members are attending, ask them to share their testimonies and experience.
    • Relationships - this is a beautiful opportunity to minister, communicate, and build friendships.
    • Opportunities - every class is rich with hope for the families represented. Spiritual, emotional, mental, physical, and financial healing may very well be in store for those you are talking to.

BINGO CLASSES Simply see the Bingo class related resource attached for ideas and cards and all the tools you need. You run the same class but add in having people mark Bingos as you teach the products!

ONLINE OR ZOOM CLASSES I'm using our Clean Home Class as an example but this works with other classes and resources.

Where should I have my class?

  • FB group or event
  • FB Live
  • Zoom
  • IG Live
  • IG Stories
  • YouTube
  • Text

FB Group or Event

  • Set up a group and announce a date and time.
  • Have your Customers and Brand Partners “host” an event by inviting their friends or invite your own. Don't add anyone unless they've been personally invited and agreed.
  • Explain to your host how they can receive 50% of the sales because of our Fast Start Bonus. Help them get a Business Essentials Kit if they haven't become a Brand Partner yet. If the host doesn't want to become a Brand Partner, offer a gift based on their referrals to you.
  • Schedule a 15-30 minute video or a series of posts to happen at a certain time. Let them know the information will be up for 48 hours and then it will be gone.
  • Use your class resources to create and teach your class.
  • Make sure you close! Offer any incentives and share a link for them to purchase.
  • Encourage the host (or yourself) to follow up with those who attended.

FB Live or IG Live

  • Share with your followers through video or stories.
  • Go Live and share your class. Keep your info and stories compliant for a public video, not a big deal in a private group.
  • Show people how you use the products on a daily basis!
  • Make sure you post a link for others to order!
  • With a Live it can work best to simply have them grab one product like our Thieves Household Cleaner for the Challenge! Have them comment “Cleaner” and then send them your Thieves Household Cleaner Spotlight in a message so you can have your follow up conversation there! They can purchase through the Buy Now link on your resource and it will be connected to your member number.


  • Set up a Zoom and announce a date and time.
  • Have your Customers and Brand Partners “host” an event by inviting their friends or invite your own. Have others teach and share stories with you!
  • Use your class resources to create and teach your class. The Clean Home Presentation can work great here!
  • Make sure you close! Offer any incentives and share a link for them to purchase.
  • Follow up with those who attended or who missed the class with the recording link.

IG Stories

  • Do a “close friends” class on your Instagram stories, add your customers, and invite your followers and theirs to include people in your class.
  • Alternately you can simply post in your public stories.
  • Choose a day and time and share slides from the Clean Home IG Stories or other resources.
  • Add a question box and have them type in Cleaner or Thieves to receive more info from you.
  • Send them your Thieves Household Cleaner Spotlight or the Thieves Home Loyalty Bundle Spotlight in a message so you can have your follow up conversation there! They can purchase through the Buy Now link on your resource and it will be connected to your member number.
  • Life Steps has many carousels and OG story sets to help you educate!


  • Grab your script and create a video. Stay compliant with your stories!
  • Send your video when asked questions about how to attend one of your classes but it doesn't work because of time or location.
  • Alternately, grab a Zoom recording link on your topic from the app to share with others!


  • Using Project Broadcast or another platform, schedule a text class for people who have opted in to receive it.
  • Search for the Project Broadcast Bundles in the app to find available classes already done for you!
  • Read instructions carefully to make it your own!