Suzanne Cox

All Things Emotions

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Emotions are a part of our everyday lives. They are unavoidable! But sometimes it can feel like our emotions are running our lives. Sometimes they become bigger than what we can handle, and that is when we are so grateful to have tools at our disposal to help us process these emotions!

image FAVORITE OILS FOR EMOTIONS There is no shortage of oils that can help us with our emotions, but here are some of our favorites:

  • Valor, White Angelica, Release, Joy
  • Davana, Peace & Calming, Stress Away
  • Northern Lights Black Spruce, Idaho Grand Fir, and other conifer oils
  • Bergamot, Tangerine, and other citrus oils
  • The Feelings Kit: Release, Inner Child, Forgiveness, Harmony, Present Time, Valor

When it comes to processing our emotions, it is important to support the physical body as well. That's a whole separate topic, but a few simple ways to do that would be drinking NingXia Red daily, using EndoFlex as a dietary supplement or rolling it over the thyroid and adrenals multiple times a day, and taking a nutrient-dense multivitamin like Master Formula.

ESSENTIAL OILS & EMOTIONS Our brains have specific areas where we process emotion. The system of the brain responsible for memory and mood is the limbic system. It includes the hippocampus, the hypothalamus, and the amygdala.

When we look at the structure of the brain, we see that the amygdala (a tiny, almond-shaped structure) is key when it comes to emotion and fear. The hippocampus is where new nerve cells are created. And it is physically beside the structure responsible for emotions. And is connected to the nose via a cranial nerve.

That may sound a bit like science jargon, but let's read that again.

The part of the brain where new nerve cells are created is connected to the part that processes emotions and is also connected to our sense of smell.

That is powerful. That is how we can process trauma. That is how we rewire our brains. That is how we move forward in peace.

EMOTIONS & THE NERVOUS SYSTEM Our emotions are closely linked to our physical bodies. If you've ever felt your stomach churn from anxiety or your heart beat faster with worry or fear, then you know that this is true. This is because of the Central Nervous System. Quick (and we mean quick!!) science lesson….

The Central Nervous System has two branches - the autonomic nervous system and the sympathetic nervous system. The Autonomic Nervous System controls involuntary body responses, such as blood flow and digestion. The Sympathetic Nervous System is charged with controlling the body's fight-or-flight reactions. BOTH of these systems are affected by and involved in our emotional responses.

For now, let's focus on the Sympathetic Nervous System, our fight-or-flight response. We will be in one of three places within our Sympathetic Nervous System: Ventral aka the right amount of energy. We feel calm, grounded, able to give and receive connection with others. Sympathetic aka too much energy. We are hyperactive, frustrated, angry, yelling, anxious, panicking and defensive. Dorsal aka drained or zero energy. We are shut down, closed off, depressed, zoned out, numbed, hopeless and sluggish.

Think about each of these three states. What does it look like for you to be in Ventral? What does it feel like emotionally? Physically? What about Sympathetic? Dorsal? Write these things down. This will help you identify the state of your Sympathetic Nervous System and your triggers for activation.

Our goal is to spend as much time as possible in Ventral energy, but past trauma and pain can hijack the system and send us down the spiral into an activated Sympathetic state or further down into a numbed or depressed Dorsal state.

This is why it is so important for us to identify trauma and process and heal the past, so that we can rewire those responses and spend our time in a calm state with the right amount of energy. This is also the energetic state where we can grow, connect and thrive!

And you guessed it. One of our best tools for rewiring this system? Essential oils.

USING OILS FOR EMOTIONS We know that our sense of smell is directly related to our emotions and mood. This is why a scent can trigger a memory or even a feeling. Vanilla reminds you of baking cookies with your best friend. Lavender reminds you of your grandmother.

This is why aromatherapy is so effective when it comes to processing emotions and dealing with needs such as anxious thoughts, stress and even low mood.

Essential oils are also great for emotions because they contain constituents that can cross the blood brain barrier to help reprogram bad coding as a result of trauma. Then other compounds rewrite that code to restore the original perfect copy, one that will not keep us pulled into the physical and emotional effects of stress. This is a process, but the great thing about essential oils is that we have a CHOICE to embrace that process instead of loading our bodies up with toxins, chemicals, and other things that create more confusion in the cells.

What does this look like practically? Glad you asked…

  • Grab an oil and isolate what emotion you are feeling. Think about the opposite of that emotion and deeply inhale and apply the oil as you sit quietly. After a time, practice rewiring that pathway with a truth or affirmation. Do this daily as you process through a specific event or emotion. Here are a few examples from one of our favorite reference books, Releasing Emotional Patterns with Essential Oils:
    • Emotion: Anxiety // Other Side: Confidence // Way Out: “Peace, be still.”
    • Emotion: Disappointment // Other Side: Freedom // Way Out: “I trust my vision.”
    • Emotion: Grief // Other Side: Happy // Way Out: “Change brings growth.”
    • Emotion: Judgment // Other Side: Regard // Way Out: “I am discerning.”
  • Process emotions through movement. This can be walking, yoga, swimming, cycling, etc. just as long as the movement physically moves your body through space.
  • Grab your oils and apply or diffuse them as you move, breathing in the oil as you mentally and physically process.
  • For some individuals those steps also include therapy or counseling. There is a lot of value in a third party listening and giving insight into your experiences, and there is no shame in that!
  • Use your oils daily, frequently and consistently to help you find balance and harmony!

image DIFFUSER BLEND FOR EMOTIONS Diffusing is a wonderful way to get oils in and around multiple people at a time! We also love diffusing while we sleep and shower to help our subconscious minds process emotions.

  • Weighted Blanket: 4 drops each Joy, Tangerine, White Angelica
  • Peaceful Feelings: 4 drops each Inner Child, Sacred Frankincense, Sacred Sandalwood
  • Deep Exhale: 4 drops each Release, Lime, Lavender
  • Daily Zen: 4 drops each Valor, Grapefruit, Bergamot

image ROLLER RECIPES FOR EMOTIONS Make a roller with any of the oils listed above, whatever you have on hand or any that calls out to you specifically! You truly cannot go wrong. You can use these recipes as a guide or any of the recipes linked below and substitute whatever oils you desire. Apply the roller over your heart, wrists, neck and chest and breathe deeply. Use liberally and frequently!

  • Happy Heart Roller Blend: 10-15 drops each Joy, Release, Orange, Bergamot & fIll with carrier and/or Relaxation Massage Oil
  • Daily Zen Roller Blend: 10-15 drops each White Angelica, Valor, Patchouli, Tangerine, Bergamot, Lavender, Stress Away & fIll with carrier and/or Relaxation Massage Oil
  • Finding Hope Roller Blend: 20 drops Davana, 15 drops each Idaho Blue Spruce, Grapefruit, Bergamot, Lime & fIll with carrier and/or Relaxation Massage Oil
  • Stress Way Away Rolle Blend: 20 drops each Stress Away, Tangerine, Grapefruit, Lavender & fIll with carrier and/or Relaxation Massage Oil
  • Peaceful Feelings Roller Blend: 20 drops Peace & Calming, 15 drops Tangerine, Bergamot, Davana, Lavender & fIll with carrier and/or Relaxation Massage Oil